
Acrylic Paint and Wash Sets [Late Pledge]

Created by Brinton Boehm

If you missed out on the project while it was live, you still have a short while to get in. Late pledges will ship at the same time as everything else. Shipping will be charged at a later date before fulfillment. Please view the Kickstarter project page for more details on shipping.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit requesting payment information
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 08:20:30 PM

You may have received an email from BackerKit stating that your payment information isn't on file, with a request to add it. This is because we're using their "pay for shipping later" beta feature and they found a bug. Their intention is to have your info on file so that when we send out a shipping invoice, you can just click "pay now" instead of entering it then. 

I'm not very excited about how they're handling this, and you can choose to disregard the email entirely if you wish. I told them to stop emailing backers, but they're out of the office until next year. Though this is an official email coming from BackerKit, please always be vigilant about avoiding phishing attempts. You'll never receive an email from me personally unless it comes from a address.

Sorry for the confusion. I'll be back tomorrow with an actual paint update!

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Quick progress update
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 01:10:30 PM

I really wanted to post an update in November with some progress photos of bottled paints, but we're waiting on a custom part for our bottle filling machine. Not to worry however, we have everything else we need to manufacture all of the paints and washes required to fulfill the project, plus some! This doesn't set us behind schedule as we've provided ourselves with plenty of extra time to deal with delays such as these. I'll be back with another update when we have some photos to share, hopefully sooner than later! Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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Pledge manager update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 02:26:28 PM

Thanks to the 90% of you who have filled out your survey! We will be locking in your choices in 48 hours and charging cards for any additional add-ons that you've selected. We're not locking in addresses yet, and we'll notify you of shipping costs closer to the fulfillment date.

If you haven't filled out or received your survey, please visit this link and enter the email address associated with your Kickstarter account. If you're still having issues, please reach out to me directly.

Because we planned ahead, everything we need is ordered with no delays and we expect to begin production in November. I'll be back then hopefully with some exciting progress photos!

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Surveys have been sent
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 06, 2021 at 02:35:44 PM

Hello backer!

It is important to fill out the survey and choose any add-ons desired as soon as possible. This ensures that we have accurate numbers for what we need to manufacture. 

This is also the phase where we initially gather your address, however this can be changed up until we begin shipping. Collecting your address now allows us to create shipping groups in order to accurately charge based on region. There will be a separate update closer to fulfillment with more info on this.

Please bookmark the link so you can go back and change your address if need be.

If you have not received your survey email–

  • Make sure you're checking the same email address that you use for your Kickstarter account
  • Check your spam folder
  • If you still don't receive it in within 24 hours, please send a private message

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

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Post-campaign and late pledges
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 05:02:34 PM

I would like to genuinely express my gratitude for having backing this project! Creating a line of acrylic paints has been a dream of mine since I first started this company. The success of this project solidifies the interest and passion in the modeling supplies that we create. We remain committed to creating exemplary products and refuse to sacrifice quality for quantity.

Late Pledges

If you missed out on the campaign while it was live and would still like to back the project, you can late pledge at the link here:


Survey emails will go out in two weeks. This will allow you to lock in your pledges, and add additional sets or add-ons. I’ll post another update when that happens.

In the meanwhile, you can browse our other products or keep up with our activities here–

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In an attempt to get ahead of any potential supply shortages, we pre-ordered some of the supplies that we’ll need to get started on manufacturing.